Visit here to access our safe, secure online giving system. Here you can manage your tax-deductible donations by scheduling recurring donations and initiating one-time donations. We encourage choosing the electronic personal check option to minimize processing fees so more of your gift is available for ministry.


New Life Church has a deep heritage of extending Christ’s kingdom to the ends of the earth through praying, giving, and sending. We support many long-term missionaries and projects that take Christ to the nations and our community as a part of our divine call. You can give to specific New Life initiatives by clicking below. If you’d like to donate to a specific missions trip team, visit our outreach page and select the trip you’d like to support.

To login and download your giving statement click here!

ECFA Accreditation

New Life Church is fully accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. ECFA signifies that it’s accredited members have faithfully complied with established standards for financial acc.