

At New Life Church, we believe that serving is simply mobilizing our gifts together to accomplish God’s purpose for Colorado Springs and beyond. We have found that through serving together, true community and lasting friendships are built as we join hearts and hands with one another.  New Life Volunteers can serve the Lord beginning as early as five years old, although they must serve alongside a parent or guardian. It is a tremendous blessing to see children, teens and adults leading through volunteer ministry in a variety of ways in New Life Church.  

Serve The Church

The Church can do its best work when we come together and serve with our gifts and talents. The Church, at its best, is a place where we gather together in worship, word, and service to those in need. Whether you volunteer as an usher, greeter, or with KIDs and Students, you have a part to play and we invite you to serve with us.

Serve The City

New Life Church is in the city for the sake of the city. Through our partnerships with great local non-profits like Dream Centers Mary’s Home, Dream Centers Women’s Clinic, Springs Rescue Mission and many others. Whether you want to serve individually, as a family, or as a small group, we want to help you find a place to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Serve The World

Our church has embraced the mandate to take Christ to the nations so that every nation, tribe, and tongue will worship before His throne. Through partnering with international organizations, we send teams of people to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in other countries. Partner with us as we build Christ’s kingdom globally.

We’d love to serve together with you!