Family Care Ministries
There are times in our lives when we are moving forward, and then life surprises us with a difficult circumstance. We find that we need additional support and care to navigate this new terrain. New Life Family Care Minsitries exist to walk alongside you in your journey by providing care, connections, and resources.
Serving the families of New Life North through baskets, meals, grief books, and words of hope.
Individual and group connections for diverse times of crisis.
Trainings to equip, Critical Conversations, and a diverse network of church and community resources.
Deaf/Signing Ministry– This ministry supports the deaf community by interpreting worship and the sermon during the 9am Sunday morning service. Please email Linda Aragon at print.thruair.4u@gmail.com for more information.
Authentic Marriage– Come join us as we enjoy snacks and desserts, play games and share life together. We are all about joining together in fellowship and being real with where we are in our marriages. We want to hang out, build each other up, share our experiences and help each other fight the attacks coming at us. Please email careministries@newlifechurch.org for more information.
Simply Married– Finding the joy in our marriages by returning to God’s pure and simple design, reflecting His love to the world through our love for each other. We’ll join in fellowship with young families to forge defenses and plans for topics which seem to trouble many marriages today: communication, kids, money, selfishness, intimacy, family relationships, and outside influences. Our group will also have a trusted mentor couple who’s “been there” before us to provide wisdom that only experience provides. We meet weekly at New Life North on Tuesday nights. We do ask that couples be married to attend. Our structure follows an on-line study course, generally a 15-20 minute video followed by conversation and prayer. New Life Kids mid-week is available. Please email careministries@newlifechurch.org for more information.
Sacred Marriage– Couples in all stages of marriage will benefit from discussing Gary Thomas’s Sacred Marriage curriculum that reveals God’s perspective and true purpose for marriage. This group will provide an informal environment for building genuine relationships with one another and with our spouses. Please email careministries@newlifechurch.org for more information.
The Art of Marriage– Join other New Life couples investing in their relationships in a 6-week video and workbook series! Learn practical tools to strengthen your marriage in a home-based small group environment. Please email careministries@newlifechurch.org for more information.
Caregivers Group– It is hard caring for a loved one! You are not alone! Join us as we share this caregiving journey together, uplifting each other in prayer and encouraging each other as we care for our loved ones. We will meet in person and over Zoom, making the group available to those who cannot leave their loved one. Please email careministries@newlifechurch.org for more information.
Single Parenting– We are a community of single dads and moms supporting each other. We know that being a single parent can be especially hard, and that means that a community of support is all the more important. Please email careministries@newlifechurch.org for more information.
Forgiven & Set Free- A Post Abortion Bible Study for Women. Forgiven and Set Free was developed out of the author’s experience of being freed from the bondage of guilt and grief that followed her own abortion. For every woman yearning for the peace of God’s forgiveness, this study can be the first step to healing and wholeness. Please email Family Care at familycare@newlifechurch.org for more information.
Divorce Care – Unless you’ve been there, it’s hard to understand the hurt that comes from separation and divorce. We do. Our DivorceCare group is led by people who have been through divorce and successfully rebuilt their lives. We can show you how to deal with the pain. Contact DivorceCarenewlifechurch@gmail.com
Divorce Care for Kids – DC4K is a special group to help children ages 5-12 heal from the hurt caused by the separation or divorce of their parents. We offer a safe, caring and fun environment where children can explore healthy life skills to maneuver through the rough places of family fracturing and divorce. Register here
GriefShare – Find help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. The group is led by caring individuals who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. They will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future. Get more information or register here
Foster/Adopt Moms – Sometimes on this journey, we may feel like we don’t belong because it’s not what we expected. There is hope and support. A Place I Didn’t Belong is a 10-week study meeting Wednesday mornings. Adoptive & Foster Moms Connect meets the 4th Thursday evening of every month Register for these groups through the small groups link HERE
Hope for Cancer – This group provides support for those who are walking a cancer journey. They are an active community, sharing successes, struggles, and helping alleviate the feelings of isolation. Register through the groups link HERE
Financial Peace University – FPU is a nine-lesson class that will teach you how to pay off debt, save and invest for your future. You can connect with others, just like you, who can hold you accountable, encourage you and celebrate your progress. Register at http://fpu.com/1152973
One-on-One Support
Our SERVE approved mentors are looking forward to meeting with you to hear your story, as well as share their own, and encourage you on your journey. Our prayer is that God will connect you to a community that will walk alongside you in your life journey. For more information contact familycare@newlifechurch.org.
We have one-on-one resources for:
Loved ones of LGBTQ+
Difficult Diagnosis of Adults and Children
Mental Health
Families of Specialized Needs Children
Single Parenting
Blended Families
Eating Disorders
Suicide Loss
Family Member Addictions
Post Abortion Care
Teenage Pregnancies
Infertility and Pregnancy Loss
Post-Partum Depression
Elderly Care/Caregiver Support
Domestic Violence
Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Education Interventionalist
National Resources
988: Suicide and Crisis Lifeline – 24/7
211: Essential Community Resources – 24/7
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or text “START” to 88788
NAMI – National Alliance on Mental Illness (Local Info Below)
Address: 1615 Murray Blvd. – 9am – 5pm
Phone: (719) 473-8477
Website: www.namicoloradosprings.org
Local Resources
CarePortal Website: careportal.org/group/new-life-north/95804
Combat the foster care crisis in our church and city. A few examples of needs are: twin beds, car seats, meal delivery, mentorship and transportation. Sign up and view current needs at the website.
Colorado Crisis Services Hotline: (844) 493-8255 or text TALK to 38255.
Diversus Health Lighthouse: Walk-In Crisis Center for Mental and Behavioral Health
Address: 115 S. Parkside Drive – Open 24/7
Dream Centers: Women’s Clinic Free healthcare facility providing medical and mental care services.
Phone: (719) 388-1594 or www.dreamcenters.com/womensclinic to schedule an appointment.
No walk-ins.
Dream Centers: Mary’s Home
A long-term residential program offering high-challenge and supportive trauma-informed services to single-mother-led families exiting homelessness.
Apply online at www.dreamcenters.com/marys-home or call (719) 301-5411.
Peaks Recovery Center (Rehab Facility)
Drug and Alcohol Detox, Inpatient Rehab, Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Treatment
Address: 1150 Kelly Johnson Blvd. Ste 204
Phone: 855-608-1222
Visit their website at peaksrecovery.com to inquire for confidential help.
• Private insurance only but will do referrals for anyone else
• Heavy emphasis on mental health specific to trauma
Peak Vista Community Health Centers
Dedicated to providing exceptional medical and dental care that incorporates behavioral health services in a collaborative team setting for people of all ages.
Phone: (719) 632-5700
Website: peakvista.org
Safe Families for Children Pikes Peak
Website: safe-families.org Phone: (719) 357-7080
Pikes Peak Safe Families is committed to serving families in crisis by partnering with local churches, where families open their homes and lives to vulnerable children.
UCCS Veterans Health and Trauma Clinic
PTSD and trauma treatment facility for veterans and police.
Website: www.healthcircle.uccs.edu/veterans-health-and-trauma-clinic
Phone: (719) 255-8003 – non emergency – for emergencies they will refer to the Colorado Crisis Services Hotline
Family Care Volunteers
Woven into each of our stories are difficult seasons followed by times of hope and healing. Sharing your story might help another person or family realize they aren’t alone. Meals Ministry, Basket Ministry, Words of Hope, and Support Groups are just a few of the many ways that you might participate. If you have a desire to walk alongside someone during their challenging season, we would love to connect with you!
For more information on serving with our team, please email our family care team at familycare@newlifechurch.org.
Stories and Recordings
Contact Us

Dr. Michelle Anthony
Senior Executive Pastor

Jeni Mason
Family Care Ministry Pastor
If you are someone you know needs care, connections or resources, e-mail our Family Care Ministries staff by clicking below.